My granddaughter Marley Bass shot this deer. Never found a drop of blood but finally stumbled upon this deer’s final resting place!
He looks as if he was still alive!
My granddaughter Marley Bass shot this deer. Never found a drop of blood but finally stumbled upon this deer’s final resting place!
He looks as if he was still alive!
It was December 23, 2024, and I had been relentlessly hunting a six-point buck that was bigger than most mature bucks I had ever captured on camera. This deer was very mature, which made him […]
Old Howard swim hole, now owned by my good friends the Turner family. Been swimming in this hole since we were old enough to swim. Good fishing in the spring spawning months, and can even […]
Henry Hydrick, 9. Harvested in Utica MississippiS. Hunting with his daddy Joey Hydrick. The article won’t attach but it’s on the MS Outdoorsmen Facebook page. Scored 166. Weighed 247, 9 point.
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