Quail Covey
Quail hunt in Simpson County on private land. It was just a few friends and our sons. We enjoyed watching Muddie (German wired hire pointer) flush this bird killed by my son.
Quail hunt in Simpson County on private land. It was just a few friends and our sons. We enjoyed watching Muddie (German wired hire pointer) flush this bird killed by my son.
This is my biggest buck!! Killed on 12/30/2023 in Prentiss, Mississippi by Bradley Moses! Let’s go for a ride in Bigg Redd!!!
I had this deer on camera for over a week coming out everyday in daylight. You can’t hunt the spot if the wind is out of the north at all. So when we finally got […]
I frequent the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge and see all kinds of interesting wildlife. I was walking through the boardwalk and crossed paths with this heron.
I took this picture in Lamar County AL, just west of Beaverton AL. As a tenth grader l plowed soybeans and cotton to the right. I have road down this road on horseback, and let them […]
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