Deer Gallery

6 Point of a Lifetime

It was December 23, 2024, and I had been relentlessly hunting a six-point buck that was bigger than most mature bucks I had ever captured on camera. This deer was very mature, which made him […]

Hunting Gallery

The Morning After

Coyotes caught on game cam morning after feasting on a big hog that was shot the day before. They cleaned it up!

Duck Gallery

Mallard madness

Duck hunting in the closing week of the season in North Mississippi. Group of buddies fellow shipping and taking a few mallards at the same time. Thank the lord for amazing days like these.


Birds of prey

I live in the city, and one morning, while looking out, I saw a big bird walking quickly with its wing out of position. I reached out to help it from danger. It focused on […]

Turkey Gallery


These where in the yard just feeding.