Hunting Gallery

Big boy at Bluff Lake

This gator was lying on the bank when I went by him in the boat, five minutes later he was trying to get in the boat.

Hunting Gallery

Swamp monster

Alligator season 2019. Bagged this 11 foot alligator with friends. Also bagged a 7 footer. Both put up a fierce battle. Captured not far from Tommy’s trading post.


My favorite

This is Shiloh a bloodhound that I’ve trained for shed hunting, so after deer season is over she has a job. She gets to go where she wants and search for drop horns or deer […]

Hunting Gallery

Rhino’s on the Mountain

We were hunting for Mt reedbuck and came upon these juvenile Rhinos with mountain in the background.


African Sunset

I travel to Africa twice a year, once on safari and once on missionary work. This evening the sunset was perfect!